Program Overview
Non-EU citizens can obtain an EU residence permit in exchange for an investment in the Portuguese economy. The new regulations offer non-EU citizens a quick and easy way to obtain a five-year residence permit for capital transfer or establishing a company, which could lead to citizenship.
Program Details
Time to Residency
4 – 6 Months
Visa-Free Access
All 29 Schengen Area Countries
Passport Rank
4th in the world
Minimum Investment
€250,000 EUR
Residency Requirements
7 days in 1st year and 14 days in following 2 years
Establishment Date
Investment Options
Capital Transfer
1. €500,000: Invest in an investment fund or venture capital fund focused on Portuguese companies, with a five-year commitment and at least 60% of the investment portfolio based in Portugal (excluding real estate entities).
2. €500,000: Support research activities of public or private entities in the national scientific and technological system.
3. €250,000: Support artistic production or the recovery/maintenance of national cultural heritage.
Business Establishment
1. Create at least 10 new jobs.
2. Create 8 new jobs in a low population density area.
3. €500,000: Incorporate or increase the share capital of a commercial company in Portugal, creating at least 5 permanent jobs or maintaining at least 10 jobs for a period of three years.
Country Overview
The flag consists of two vertical stripes, green symbolizing hope and red representing the revolution and the fight for independence. At the center is the national coat of arms, which includes a shield reflecting Portugal’s historic defense and global exploration.
Coat of Arms
The coat of arms features a shield with five blue shields and white dots, symbolizing Portugal’s victories over the Moors, surrounded by seven golden castles representing defense. Behind the shield is an armillary sphere, representing Portugal’s maritime history and its role in the Age of Discoveries.
Portugal is located on the Iberian Peninsula, this sunny, pleasant, and laid-back Southern European country borders Spain and has the feel of a Mediterranean country while maintaining a distinct cultural identity of its own. Portugal attracts visitors because of its unique cuisine, wine, old history, and architecture.
It’s a wonderful mix of old and new with the Gothic churches, ancient cafés, vintage trams, and the charming backstreets of Lisbon, as well as the lively outdoor coffee shops and great restaurants.
In the World Travel Awards 2020, the Algarve was named the best beach destination in Europe for the seventh time. The Algarve is the southernmost area of Portugal and one of Europe’s most popular holiday spots. The province has hot dry summers and short warm winters.
Country Capital
Euro (EUR)
Exchange Rate
1 USD = 0.9 EUR
Government Type
Unitary Semi-Presidential
Constitutional Republic